Our Affiliations
Vidya Bharathi
The world's largest non- government educational agency - Vidya Bharati, started in 1977 with it's registered office at Lucknow and functional headquarters in Delhi. All state-level committees were affiliated to this Vidya Bharati Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Sansthan.
It is the single largest organization in the field of education with more than 50,000 educational institutions having about 50 lakhs of students enrolled all over India. Bharathiya Vidya Nikethan, 1979, having an educational network in the state with more than 500 schools and over 1,00,000 students enrolled.
Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye |
That is Knowledge which Liberates |
Bharathiya Vidya Nikethan
Bharatheeya Vidyanikethan, Kerala is registered in 1977 as a society to initiate Vidyabharati educational activities in Kerala. Unlike other states of our country, Kerala is well known for its abundance of educational institutions. Even in this abundance the Bharatheeya Vidyanikethan schools are largely accepted in Kerala because of their qualitative characteristics.
Salient Features of Vidyabharati and Bharatheeya Vidyanikethan education system are
Character building, value based, man making process
Integral Approach
Panjanga Siksha Oriented Pedagogy
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
A trail of developments mark the significant changes that took place over the years in shaping up the Board to its present status. U P Board of High School and Intermediate Education was the first Board set up in 1921. In 1952, was given its present name 'Central Board of Secondary Education'. It was in the year 1962 finally that the Board was reconstituted. The prime focus of the Board is on:
Innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising students friendly and students centered paradigms
Reforms in examinations and evaluation practices.
Skill learning by adding job-oriented and job-linked inputs
Regularly updating the pedagogical skills of the teachers and administrators by conducting in service training programmes, workshops etc.